DEV Community

Tong Liu
Tong Liu

Posted on

Release 0.1 - DPS909

The application I created to create static website is called SSGifier. It is a command line application with a pretty straight foreword logic of using.
This software mainly accepts 5 types of arguments, which are:
-v --version - prints out the version of SSGifier.
-o, --output - an optional argument which specifies the output directory, the directory " dlist" is used by default.
-i, --input - specify the input files\directory for the application to convert, this is an necessary argument.
-s, --stylesheet - an optional argument which specifies the stylesheet for the HTML pages.
-h, --help - show help.

To use it we can just simply use command: ssgifier -i ./Sherlock-Holmes-Selected-Stories
If we want to specify the output folder, we can use: ssgifier -i ./Sherlock-Holmes-Selected-Stories -o outputfolder

If we want to specify the stylesheet, we can use: ssgifier -i ./Sherlock-Holmes-Selected-Stories -s

To check out the code, please visit my repository on Github:

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