DEV Community

Discussion on: E2E Testing with Cypress - 04 - Cucumber / Gherkin Integration

liviufromendtest profile image
Liviu Lupei

Working with multiple tabs is flaky and inconsistent?
I don't think that is true.
Selenium can do that without any issue.
Browser tabs are browser tabs, they don't appear and disappear in a random way.
Even if your anchor element has the correct attributes, simply checking the existence and values of those attributes does not make up for the lack of an actual test.
That's just my opinion.
I noticed that all your articles are about Cypress.
Do you work for them or have they offered you any incentive to write positive things about them?
I think it's important that you should mention that.

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kiranparajuli589 profile image
Kiran Parajuli

If you're using Cypress as a test framework and you've managed to navigate to multiple tabs -- then the tests would surely go flaky and inconsistent because of Cypress architecture. I would highly recommend frameworks like Nightwatch, CodeceptJS, Behat, Behave which works together with selenium if you want to test multiple tabs web UI interactions.
P.S. I'm a QA developer and like to write about the tools I'm familiar with. 😊
Happy Coding!