DEV Community

Discussion on: Moving Into the Cloud

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Louis Houghton
  • RDS has a Mysql version but RDS is expensive for personal stuff I think. DynamoDB can be used to store relational data - here's a guide

  • Fargate is just another way of running containers with ECS. It takes away the need for you to run your own EC2 instances.

  • I'd run the app as a docker container and the blog as a docker container within ECS so each can be deployed separately. Although if you don't care so much for comments and stuff, you could host the blog as a static website in S3 very cheaply. There's also Lightsail that can host a Wordpress blog cheaply but doesn't help with the learning part!

  • You could replace Nginx with Cloudfront. You can tell it to send certain requests to ECS and others to S3.

If you're doing all this you should also do it all in code rather than using the console. There's a devops group called Cloudposse on Github have have some great Terraform modules you can use as building blocks to build this stuff