DEV Community

Discussion on: What are some good ways to communicate among micro-frontend applications?

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Luís Takahashi

Hi @mahamshahid18 !

I have been struggling with this problem at my work, so I have researched a few ways to communicate between micro frontends like:

  1. Custom Events
  2. PostMessage
  3. Custom Workers
  4. Props and callbacks
  5. Creating your own library <- I chose this

I have tried all of those options but I chose to create my own implementation mixing some concerns.

Looking at the microservices environment a pretty much popular communication mode is pub/sub queues just like the AWS SQS and SNS

Since every micro frontend and the container are at the window I decided using the window to hold a global communication using a pub/sub alike implementation

So I created this library mixing two concerns Pub/sub Queues and Observables

The differential is that every topic manage its own observers and events and also the listener can retrieve last events, and your unique concern is when to add a listener and a dispatcher, but there are some examples in the docs

Feel free to take a look.