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What is Functional Programming

Muhammed H. Alkan on October 24, 2018

Firstly, we should know what is a programming paradigm means. Programming paradigm is a way to classify programming languages. Let's see the commo...
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  • What is the first functional programming language?


Lisp is a multi-paradigm language, depending on the dialect. Common Lisp, for example, supports both imperative programming and OOP, but is not really functional.

yucer profile image

By the way, it is said that programming languages implement many paradigms to different extent.

And the winner multi-paradigm language seems to be Wolfram!

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Muhammed H. Alkan

As I didn't say it's PURELY FUNCTIONAL, it's still functional.

yucer profile image

I guess you were inspired by this post.

I like the graphic that Wikipedia includes for the classification of the paradigms.

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Muhammed H. Alkan • Edited

Actually no, and I have never seen this post.

Also, I commented I got the classification of paradigms from Wikipedia so.

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Muhammed H. Alkan

I find I can call TCO (Tail Call Optimization) as tail-end recursion.

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Muhammed H. Alkan • Edited

I heard it as Tail Recursion. I placed Python as Example, as i can still do it in OCaml. But many people doesn't know OCaml and it's not that popular so.

Note: You're still right.