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Alicia Marianne
Alicia Marianne

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Boost your experience with Postman - Part II

Keep going in our studies using Postman, in this article, we will do an pratical example, how we write the tests when we receive an API specification, how create, run and use newman to execute them.

Understanding what is going to be tested

To have a good test coverage and assure the quality of an API, we won't be starting directly in Postman, first, we'll understand the APIs that will be tested and after that, start think in how automate it.

Here is an workflow to help us in this process:

Workflow to write tests

Let's start understanding the API that we will be testing. For this tutorial we will use the same API from the previous tutorial, the free API of Books. Reading the swagger, we don't have any explicit rule for the use of this API, but, that doesn't mean that we won't be testing it. When creating the tests, I suggest you use an table like this:

Endpoint Method Test Expected Result
/Books GET Search all books with success Return a status code 200

The model of response body for all requests is:

    "id": 0,
    "title": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "pageCount": 0,
    "excerpt": "string",
    "publishDate": "2023-10-14T18:44:34.674Z"
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Based on Response body, we can do different tests, like:

Endpoint Method Test Expected Result
/Books GET Search all books with success - Return a status code 200
- The body response contain all fields non empty
- The pageCount value is an integer

Using the same strategy to the other endpoints:

Endpoint Method Test Expected Result
/Books GET Search all books with success - Return a status code 200
- The body response contain all fields non empty
- The pageCount value is an integer
/Books/{id} GET Search a specific book with success - Return a status code 200
- The body response contain all fields non empty
- The pageCount value is an integer
/Books/{id} GET Search a specific book with invalid id - Return a status code 404
- The title of message error should be "Not Found"
/Books POST Create a book with success - Return a status code 200
- The body response contain all fields non empty
- The pageCount value is an integer
/Books POST Create a book without body request - Return a status code 415
/Books POST Create a book with empty body request - Return a status code 200
- The fields of body response are filled with default configuration
/Books/{id} PUT Update an book with success - Return a status code 200
- The body response contain all fields non empty
- The pageCount value is an integer
/Books/{id} PUT Update a book passing an inexistent ID - Return a status code 404
/Books/{id} PUT Update a book passing invalid ID - Return a status code 400
/Books/{id} PUT Update a book with empty body request - Return a status code 200
/Books/{id} DELETE Delete a book with success - Return a status code 200
/Books/{id} DELETE Delete a book with inexistent ID - Return a status code 404

There's more tests that you can do related to validation of the body request and the parameters that we need to send, I recommend you try it out!

Writing our tests

The process to create our tests using Postman will be:

  • We'll create the collection
  • Generate our requests based on our tests
  • Start to write the tests using JavaScript and the Snippets from Postman.


After creating our requests, let's start to write our tests. As we can see, for all our tests, we validate the status code. To do this, we'll write the following method on the Test tab of each request:

pm.test("Status code is 2XX", function () {; // change the status to what is expected in the test

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The following test that is common to most part of our tests, is validate if the response body isn't empty, to do this, first, we will transform our response body into json format, and validate if the fields of the response body are not null using the command not.eql(null) :

pm.test("Validating if the body response isn't null", function () {
    var response = pm.response.json();

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Other test that we can execute is validate the content of the response, let's validate if the pageCount in our responses are an integer value or not:

pm.test("Type of content of pageCount", function () {
    var response = pm.response.json().pageCount; // get the value of the response body 

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Now that we know how our tests will be, let's implement them and run our collection:

Test run results

You can check the details of the tests here

Using Schemas to validate body response

Postman allows you to validate the schema of a body response. First, let's create the schema of our API:


        "type": "number"
        "type": "string"
        "type": "string"
        "type": "number"
        "type": "string"
        "type": "string"
    "required": ["id", "title", "description", "pageCount", "excerpt", "publishDate"]
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Now, we'll save this value in as a variable in our environment, I've created a new one called Tests:

Environment variables

Now lets update our tests, we will call this variable and use the value to validate our body using Tiny Validator library:

var schema = pm.environment.get("apiSchema");
pm.test("Validating the body response schema and type of pageCount", function () {
    var response = pm.response.json();
    response.forEach(response, function(item){ 
        pm.expect(tv4.validate(item, schema));
        pm.expect(tv4.validate(item.pageCount, {"type": "number"}));
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This is an alternative to reduce our time when is needed to validate the schema of some API.

Using Newman to run our tests

At previous tutorial, we learned how execute our collections through Postman interface, now we will learn how to run them through command line, to do it, first, we need to install Newman.
Newman is a command-line Collection Runner for Postman. It enables you to run and test a Postman Collection directly from the command line. It's built with extensibility in mind so that you can integrate it with your continuous integration (CI) servers and build systems.


Newman is built on Node.js. To run Newman, make sure you have Node.js installed. Follow the steps to download Node for your CI's platform.

If you already have node installed, ensure you are using Node.js v4 or above:

node -v
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Install Newman from npm globally on your system, which allows you to run it from anywhere:

npm install -g newman
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Executing the tests

To run your tests using Newman, first, export the collection and our environment file:

Export collection

To do this, click at the collection and click on Export, the process is the same for the environment. After export, go to the folder of your collection command line and run the command:

newman run apiBooks-final.json -e test.postman_environment.json
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You will receive all the results of the tests inside of this collection:

Run results 1

Run results 2

And we can see:

  • The name of the tests
  • The execution duration
  • Average response time
  • Which test pass and which failed

Generating reports

To help us to have a better view of our tests, is possible to generate a HTML file with the results of our run, we'll use the HTML reporter library. To install it use:

npm install -g newman-reporter-html 
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Now, when executing our tests we need to inform that we want to have the results at a html file:

newman run apiBooks-final.json -e test.postman_environment.json -r html 
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Newman will generate a folder with the report file, and the report will be shown like this:

HTML report

HTML Report2

You can generate other types of reports, I recommend take a look at newman package to select which one will fit your need.


This article is a tutorial of how you can start to write your tests for an API, how automate this using Postman and how you can use Newman to run your tests through command line and generate HTML reports.
You can access the collection used in this examples here.
I hope this content will be useful for you.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me! 

Bisous, à la semaine prochaine 💅🏼

Top comments (8)

danielhe4rt profile image
Daniel Reis

I never though about automate tests with Postman... As a back-end developer, I always start with Integration tests, but with this approach these tests looks more "democratic" for everyone to contribute and not depend so much on a test suite focused in a language.

Cheers for the post!

liyasthomas profile image
Liyas Thomas

If you'd like to try an open source { free } alternative to test APIs, try Hoppscotch - API request builder for web :

GitHub logo hoppscotch / hoppscotch

👽 Open source API development ecosystem -

priteshusadadiya profile image
Pritesh Usadadiya

This article was curated as a part of #107th Issue of Software Testing Notes Newsletter.

robertheory profile image
Roberto Costa

I preferred Insomnia but after this article I will use Postman more often!!
Thanks a lot!

matheusfilg profile image
Matheus Filgueiras

Insane article, thanks for the great information about Postman 💜

offpepe profile image
Alan Albuquerque Ferreira Lopes


fernandoandrade profile image
Fernando Andrade

This article is really a huge helper, thanks for writing it.

phenriquesousa profile image
Pedro Henrique

Thanks for sharing, cousin!