DEV Community

Discussion on: To C/C++ Or Not to C/C++

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Matthew Bland • Edited

Having worked as an instructor for new programmers, I have a strong opinion about this: definitely not. C++ is incredibly daunting for anyone who hasn't been working with computers in some way already (memory pointers is where every single one of them come to a screeching halt and likely fail the class, I've seen a lot of really smart kids change majors because my stupid university teaches C in comp sci 1, to mostly engineering majors). From what I've seen beginners without familiarity with computers or programming hate the syntax and it's very cryptic to people that don't know how languages work already. That's not to say I think they shouldn't learn it, it teaches great fundamentals of programming and techniques that can carry over to java python and JS (🤢) if they dont actually want to go into a job with systems design.