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Discussion on: How do you turn a weakness into a strength?

manthanbhatt profile image
Manthan Bhatt

I think it is like a challenge that is yet to be conquered. This helps me look at my weakness from a different perspective.

According to me to turn your weakness into a strength the best way is to practice. Cause by repeating the activity that I am weak at makes me think more clearly about why I was lacking in that area and how I can improve on that.

Taking an example from my experience previously I use to be under-confident while presenting something or addressing a group of people which created a communication gap and misunderstanding regarding the things that I wanted to communicate.

So I started working with a few of my friends and colleagues on presentation skills and how I can boost my confidence while addressing a group of people. For starters I gave a few presentations to them on the topic which I was interested in and where I can talk for 5 to 10 min. Once it is done they gave me feedback and tell me what they felt was wrong. I did this same for quite a few times which help me understand where I was going wrong and why I felt under-confident. Now I can do it well while giving a presentation or addressing a certain group of people in a meeting or discussion

pavonz profile image
Andrea Pavoni

Came here to say something along the lines of this. Especially the part about getting it like a challenge and doing a lot of practice until you feel confident. Then, look for another challenge and the process starts again.