DEV Community

Discussion on: How to optimize production Docker images running Node.js with Yarn

markrity profile image
Mark Davydov • Edited

Great article for those who are trying to make their image slimmer :)
I will add couple of things:

  1. RUN mkdir -p /home/node/app , you don't really need it , WORKDIR creates the dir if doesn't exists. (thats extra layer)
  2. you don't want to yarn install, it will update all your packages to latest version your symantic version permits, so you don't really know what goes on there also it does updates your yarn.lock file and you don't maintain it for nothing . Usually it is better to use yarn install --frozen-lockfile .
    Also at newer version of yarn yarn install --immutable --immutable-cache --check-cache , used as explained here:

  3. probably you don't want to use yarn start at your production containers, it can mess the SIGTERM and SIGKILL signals , kubernetes or docker swarm (or any other orchestration tool) will send to your container.
    For more info read here : , number 5.

also I would suggest using tool , to dive into your layers and understand where are the big MBs come from.
also can help you with that

sebastian_gieselmann profile image
Sebastian Gieselmann

Thank you for your time. Useful tips / impulses for production oci images 👌