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Martin Baun
Martin Baun

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Save at least 10 Hours Every Week

Are you tired of reinventing the wheel every time you hire, send a contract, or onboard a new client?

Then It’s time to embrace the power of Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) templates stored in your project management tool!

This is how you get started:

  1. First, identify repetitive tasks in your workflow.
  2. Create a template for each task, outlining the steps to be followed.
  3. Store these templates in your project management tool under a dedicated SOP section.
  4. Share the templates with your team and encourage their use to maximize efficiency.

Pro Tip: Continuously review and update your SOP templates to reflect any process improvements or changes in your workflow.

Don’t let repetitive tasks slow you down! Start using SOP templates in your project management tool today and experience a new level of efficiency and productivity.

I am hosting a workshop, where I share similar tips that will help you complete your tasks and help you achieve your goals this year.

Join by signing up by clicking this link.

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