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Discussion on: Git Command Cheat Sheet

mbakog90210 profile image

One of the most frequent commands I have found myself using, especially for full stack app development, is git issues.Its a handy lil tool to know which when used with merge requests, helps add or edit app/web features to a project without the risk of messing up the main branch.

For CLI use, we have the following commands

Create a new issue
gh issue create [flags]

-a, --assignee
Assign people by their login. Use "@me" to self-assign.
-b, --body
Supply a body. Will prompt for one otherwise.
-F, --body-file
Read body text from file (use "-" to read from standard input)
-l, --label
Add labels by name
-m, --milestone
Add the issue to a milestone by name
-p, --project
Add the issue to projects by name
Recover input from a failed run of create
-t, --title
Supply a title. Will prompt for one otherwise.
-w, --web
Open the browser to create an issue
Options inherited from parent commands
-R, --repo <[HOST/]OWNER/REPO>

anitaparmar26 profile image

Sure, I will add