DEV Community

Discussion on: Changelog: DEV upgraded to Webpacker 4/Babel 7

mburszley profile image
Maximilian Burszley

Does being on rails hinder your ability to find talent? It always seemed like a niche framework/language in my experience.

rhymes profile image
rhymes • Edited

Hi @theincorrigible1 , it depends on which lens you look at the industry. There are more programmers in other communities but that doesn't mean there aren't enough in Rails's.

There was a similar argument when Python was way less popular than it is now and what happened was that companies using Python hired good Python programmers and when they couldn't find them they simply hired good programmers and taught them the language. Let's not forget that people can learn multiple languages in their careers and most general purpose languages are not that different.

I personally think that Rails usage (if we look at it from the lens of the share of global devs programming with it) has probably peaked in the past, but that doesn't mean it's not a really good idea investing in it and there are plenty of success stories and companies out there choosing it in 2020 as well. The community is strong and both Ruby (Ruby 3 is getting closer and closer) and Rails are being developed actively and intensely.

DEV recently hired many awesome devs, so I don't think it's hindering the company's ability to find talent.