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Discussion on: "Stop Making Students Use Eclipse"

mburszley profile image
Maximilian Burszley • Edited

Disagree strongly on the premise you should walk to school uphills both ways because someone else had to. It's important to use the tools you'll be using in your career so you're productive and familiar. I'm largely a self-taught dev and don't have degrees in CS (but do in net. eng.), but I think it's a detriment to handicap yourself.

I feel like the middle of your article addresses failings on teaching CS, not why people shouldn't use IDEs. The core concepts never reach people because you don't know what you don't know.

For background, I work for a fortune 10 company as a SRE and the only folks that work on *nix are the devops types that coordinate ci/cd (from a container, not as their desktop).

noracodes profile image
Leonora Tindall • Edited

Disagree strongly on the premise you should walk to school uphills both ways because someone else had to.

I'm really sorry that that's what you took away from this post - it's not at all what I meant. This is why I pair the recommendation to not use an IDE at first with the recommendation to not teach Java (a language which really needs an IDE to be productive) at first, and suggest Python or other languages.

The core concepts never reach people because you don't know what you don't know.

I absolutely agree. A big part of that, though, is instructors trying to shield their students from the reality of the computers they're working with - in large part by using IDEs instead of programming in a text editor and compiling at the command line.

the only folks that work on *nix are the devops types that coordinate ci/cd (from a container, not as their desktop).

This is a common experience in larger companies, but as .NET and other technologies move away from requiring proprietary platforms that will be less and less the case. Even Windows developers have a real shell at their fingertips these days.

mburszley profile image
Maximilian Burszley • Edited

This is a common experience in larger companies, but as .NET and other technologies move away from requiring proprietary platforms that will be less and less the case. Even Windows developers have a real shell at their fingertips these days.

I'm not certain this is the case. All the tools I use on Windows also have *nix counterparts. I think it's for ease of maintenance from an administrative and support perspective. My shell, browser, IDE and build toolchain all run on every platform (except Jenkins, this is the only pain point I have).

As a primarily Python dev these days, I'm not certain I'd recommend it first; package management is still a major point of pain. Rust has a much more intuitive first experience and better documentation imo. C# w/ .NET Core is also leagues better than it was in the Framework-only days, though using Visual Studio still provides a lot of "magic" to me.