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What's an Underrated Tool That More Developers Should Know About?

Shahed Nasser on October 21, 2022

Back with another Medusa Discussion! As developers we sometimes stumble on a tool that becomes a life changer for us. It's often an underrated too...
mainawycliffe profile image
Maina Wycliffe

A little bit of self-plug here, but I built a VS Code extension to help developers from npm packages they are using (imported) from their code editor to get to the docs quickly. It provides links to NPM, GitHub/Remote Repo, and Docs Website if available and Issues. And I will be improving it in the future (I also accept suggestions and PRs).

GitHub Repo
Install VS Code Extension

It is great for onboarding developers and making yourself familiar with a new codebase or packages being consumed within the codebase.

derlin profile image
Lucy Linder

Vivaldi browser:

native vertical tabs, spotlight, tab cycle, built-in privacy and ad blocker, everything is customizable, chromium-based. Seriously, vertical tabs should be the default in all browsers!

citronbrick profile image

Plus mouse gestures, that makes you feel like using a wand instead of a mouse.

jmfayard profile image
Jean-Michel 🕵🏻‍♂️ Fayard • Edited

A major win for many people would be to try and adopt any good git client other than the git CLI itself.

I have written about it here:

The accidental complexity of the GIT CLI is in my opinion a major obstacle to learning. I believe in making it easy to do the simple things and in helping to prevent developer mistakes.

Contrary to what you may think, it's not a debate of GUI vs terminal applications.
If you like the terminal I recommend to use GitHub CLI and/or lazygit
If you like GUI applications I reommend GitHub Desktop, or the IMHO awesome git integration in IntelliJ, WebStorm, PHPStorm, RubyMine, PyCharm, ...

All those git applications were designed with simplicity and usability in mind. They will help you focus on what matters most: learning the concepts.

Again this is my personal advice that doesn't universally apply. If you are an hardcore C programmer working in project similar to the Linux Kernel project, specificallly Bazaar style, then the git CLI is the best possible tool for that use case, because it was designed by and for them.

devmando profile image
shahednasser profile image
Shahed Nasser


crankysparrow profile image

Not specifically a dev tool but I love Alfred. It does a bunch of things but as a developer it's helped me automate things like optimizing images, searching for files, finding lastpass logins super quickly, etc.

sagarpakhrin profile image
Sagar Lama • Edited

For me it's vim

The reason for saying vim is that, as a vim user, whenever i do something more than twice, i keep thinking there has to be a better way to do it, turns out there always will be.

It not just helped me write code faster, be more productive but also help me write better code

mike_andreuzza profile image
Michael Andreuzza


mardeg profile image

Not forgetting raster-to-vector at

drsensor profile image

Twitter and Reddit 😄

pankajpatel profile image
Pankaj Patel

For mac users, Definitely help me keep myself meeting aware ;)

mrsnoozles profile image

NativeScript lets you create native mobile apps with various JavaScript frontend frameworks (React, Vue, Angular, Solid, ...). It became really good in the last two years.

shahednasser profile image
Shahed Nasser

I know this one! Pretty cool

fullofdev profile image
Full of Dev

I love sharing about devtools.
I listed all what interest me here
Hope it's useful for someone!

cavo789 profile image
Christophe Avonture

Next to vscode, docker and docker and docker. Docker is amazing.

jpomykala profile image
Jakub Pomykała

SimpleLocalize for keeping translation files and localization strings in one place. 😄

derlin profile image
Lucy Linder

For homebrew users: brewlet. A simple menulet that helps you keeping tools up-to-date.

kuberaspeaking profile image
Shruti Kuber • Edited

It has to be fig for me. It's an autocomplete tool for the terminal. I have been using it since its beta stage and I am a big fan. I see so much potential in it.

zoreankit profile image
Ankit Zore • Edited

Could you share link to that tool?

kuberaspeaking profile image
Shruti Kuber
Thread Thread
shakeebaftab profile image
Shakeeb Sheikh

Fig looks awesome but if you're on Linux try fish

derlin profile image
Lucy Linder

I started with fig, then moved to the terminal. It has fig-like autocomplete built-in, and so much more!

shahednasser profile image
Shahed Nasser

Is it this one? It looks cool I might actually try it 👀

kuberaspeaking profile image
Shruti Kuber
