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Discussion on: You need to know about i3

mfcarneiro profile image
Matheus Felipe

This changed my user experience for ever Víctor!

Thanks so much for this article.

I'm using i3 for a month since I saw your post and I'll never use a regular interface anymore.

It's so easy to have flow in my work, I've learned so mutch about linux to handle easy taks on terminal, found awesome tools terminal-based and other great stuffs.

This fired up to continue learning shell script to do my tools to automatize tasks and do other things with much more ease.

For the record:

I'm using bumblebee-status, this is another nice status bar to have one.

Great job!

lobo_tuerto profile image
Víctor Adrián

YES! You are welcome! :D

I started using i3wm on April 6th 2017, and well, that day I just felt like someone had given me a precious gift.

The experience was akin to the first time I found about version control systems (svn, then git). You know, when you ask yourself: "Why hadn't I heard about this before? It works so well!"

mfcarneiro profile image
Matheus Felipe

Hahah That's the feeling.

I made that same question to myself hahahaha

Can't live without this anymore :D