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Discussion on: Writing Javascript from the future. A brief intro to Rescript.

mgtitimoli profile image
Mauro Gabriel Titimoli • Edited

I love ReScript, but I believe it has 2 issues, one that could be classified as a preference, and the other that imo, it is a major one:

  1. Module unique names: this restriction comes from OCaml, but it means that you end up prepending modules with folder names (ignored by the compiled) to make them unique.
  2. No source maps: this is pushing me back to use ReScript on a project as for me, it is super important to be able to debug the code, and without source maps this is impossible unless you log to the console like the old days.
guilhermells profile image
Guilherme Luiz • Edited

Hi @mgtitimoli , thanks for your comment!

The source maps feature has been requested many times to the rescript team, however they do not see it as something necessary, at least not for now. Personally, I have not missed it that much (yet), because you can insert breakpoints in the generated .bs.js files.

Here are some threads on github and on rescript's blog talking about this topic:

mgtitimoli profile image
Mauro Gabriel Titimoli • Edited

Thanks to you @guilhermells for taking the time to write this article!

Yeah, I'm watching those issues as well, imo, having the ability to debug is something than sooner or later you end up needing, sure, you can log to console to reduce a bit the pain but the experience is not the same.

This is not something exclusively of ReScript, I feel the same with Elixir that is hard to debug vs for example with TypeScript that with the sourcemaps the experience is the same as with vanilla JS.