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Hafiz Jaafar
Hafiz Jaafar

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If repetitive, then script it.


Let's assume that on Windows, you put your development projects under a main or common directory, e.g., 'development', and all of these projects are local Git repositories.

The repetitive problem: めんどくさい mendokusai - a hassle

It gets tedious, if you have to navigate into every directory and execute 'git remote update'.

you@your-pc MINGW64 /d/developments
$ ls -1
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Solution: a helper script

Using Git Bash on Windows, I recommend an executable bash-like helper script to navigate through all these projects and be done with it.

Write a helper script

Say, this script is named git_remote_update.bash:


echo "Going into every directory here."

for x in *;
    if [ -d "${x}" ]
        if [ -e "${x}"/.git ]
            cd "${x}"
            echo "${x}"
            echo "======================"
            echo "Calling git remote update ..."
            git remote update
            echo "Calling git status ..."
            git status
            cd ../
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Set the file permission

Place this helper script in a dedicated directory, e.g., helperScriptsWindows, and change its permission so:

you@your-pc MINGW64 /d/helperScriptsWindows
$ chmod 755 git_remote_update.bash
$ ls -la
-rwxr-xr-x 1 you 197609 434 Mar 17  2018 git_remote_v.bash*
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Include the directory into Path

  1. Open the Windows Control Panel.
  2. Navigate to System and Security => System => Advanced system settings => Environment Variables => System variables.
  3. Click Path => New. Add the absolute path to the directory helperScriptsWindows. Done.

Check the PATH

You should be able to see the absolute path to the directory of your helper scripts is included:

you@your-pc MINGW64 ~
$ echo $PATH
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Helper script usage

The script git_remote_update.bash should be already 'registered', and with few typing efforts, it's callable in the terminal:

you@your-pc MINGW64 /d/developments
$ git_remote_update.bash

Going into every directory here.

Calling git remote update ...
Fetching origin

Calling git status ...
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
nothing to commit, working tree clean

Calling git remote update ...
Fetching origin

Calling git status ...
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
nothing to commit, working tree clean

Calling git remote update ...
Fetching origin

Calling git status ...
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
nothing to commit, working tree clean
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Have fun.

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