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Discussion on: Deepgram x DEV Hackathon Help Thread

michaeljolley profile image
Michael Jolley • Edited

That's an amazing question @fp! You can add some "weight" to the word "weight". (See what I did there. 😁)

You'd want to use the keywords feature. If I remember correctly, you're using the .NET SDK, so here's how you'd set that up:

var options = new LiveTranscriptionOptions()
    Punctuate = false,
    Diarize = false,
    Numerals = true,
    Encoding = Deepgram.Common.AudioEncoding.Linear16,
    Language = "en-US",
    InterimResults = true,
    SampleRate = 44100,
    Keywords = new string[1] {"weight"}
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fp profile image
FrankPohl • Edited

Thanks @michaeljolley that's exactly what I was looking. Unfortunately this raises :
Deepgram Error: Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: [. Path 'keywords', line 1, position 82.
when the StartConnectionAsync method is called.
The error is raised in line 44 in Helpers.cs
t = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject>(json);