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Discussion on: Enhancing GraphQL Schemas with Interfaces

mikemeerschaert profile image

What if Jill Johnson happens to fill the role of instructor and ski patrol? Can a single record resolve to multiple types so you can get fields of both types on the same object?

So would it be possible to run this query:

query {
allEmployees {
... on SkiPatrol {
... on Instructor {

and return the result:
"__typename": ["SkiPatrol","instructor"],
"id": "0011",
"firstName": "Jill",
"lastName": "Johnson",
"certified": "true",
"privateLessons": "true"

eveporcello profile image
Eve Porcello

With the schema set up as it is currently, this wouldn't be possible, but we could adjust to allow for a person to hold multiple types of roles. If you wanted a single record to result to multiple types, you'd need to create a union. Then we could create a field for say roles which could return a list of different types for a particular field.

You can learn more about unions and interfaces in the GraphQL docs:

mikemeerschaert profile image

Thank you for the reply! I was reading over the union documentation and from what I understand you can union multiple types together so different types can be returned on the same field, but I'm not sure that would resolve the issue as we'd need a type with the certified field from SkiPatrol, and the privateLessons field from instructor on the same data item.

so you might have in your schema:

enum Role{

interface Employee {
id: ID!
firstName: String!
lastName: String!
role: [Role!]!

type Instructor implements Employee {
id: ID!
firstName: String!
lastName: String!
level: Int!
privateLessons: Boolean!
role: [Role!]!

type SkiPatrol implements Employee {
id: ID!
firstName: String!
lastName: String!
certified: Boolean!
aviLevel: Int!
role: [Role!]!

type Query {
allEmployees: Instructor | SkiPatrol

and you run the same query i mentioned above:

query {
allEmployees {
... on SkiPatrol {
... on Instructor {

You'd still have the problem where the employee with id 0011 must be either a SkiPatrol (with the certified field) or instructor (with the privateLessons field) but I don't see how you'd be able to return someone with those fields from both types into an object that looks like this:

"roles": ["SkiPatrol","instructor"],
"id": "0011",
"firstName": "Jill",
"lastName": "Johnson",
"certified": "true", <--I want both of these fields on the same record
"privateLessons": "true" <--I want both of these fields on the same record

I think a better way to rephrase my question would be: Is there a way to have types that compose multiple other types? Similar to how in object oriented programming you can have a class that inherits multiple other classes to combine all methods and properties from both classes.

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jaxolotl profile image
Javier Valderrama (Jax)

This is a really interesting question. I've been looking at the implementation and didn't find a viable solution so far. The problem seems to be related to the way the __resolveType method is implemented. It's designed to force you to return a type name as a String and just one. Clearly that's part of the GraphQL declarative nature

    __resolveType(obj, context, info) {

      const {
      } = obj;

      if (certified) {
        return 'SkiPatrol';

      if (privateLessons) {
        return 'Instructor';

      return 'WateverDefault';

And depending on the order of the early returns you'll end up having the first match.

A possible workaround might be to have multiple interfaces:

interface Employee {
  id: ID!
  firstName: String!
  lastName: String!
  role: [Role!]!

interface InstructorInterface {
  level: Int!
  privateLessons: Boolean!

interface SkiPatrolInterface {
  certified: Boolean!
  aviLevel: Int!

type Instructor implements Employee & InstructorInterface {
  id: ID!
  firstName: String!
  lastName: String!
  role: [Role!]!
  level: Int!
  privateLessons: Boolean!

type SkiPatrol implements Employee & SkiPatrolInterface{
  id: ID!
  firstName: String!
  lastName: String!
  role: [Role!]!
  certified: Boolean!
  aviLevel: Int!

type SkiPatrolAndInstructor implements Employee & SkiPatrolInterface & InstructorInterface{
  id: ID!
  firstName: String!
  lastName: String!
  role: [Role!]!
  certified: Boolean!
  aviLevel: Int!
  level: Int!
  privateLessons: Boolean!

and resolve it like this

    __resolveType(obj, context, info) {

      const {
      } = obj;

      if (certified && privateLessons) {
        return 'SkiPatrolAndInstructor';

      if (certified) {
        return 'SkiPatrol';

      if (privateLessons) {
        return 'Instructor';

      return 'WateverDefault';

obviously this is just a hint and probably not the best practice for production quality code, but it might help you think something more elegant

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mikemeerschaert profile image
mikemeerschaert • Edited

Thanks for the reply! This is actually exactly how I ended up implementing my schema! I have a file called CombinationTypes that defines all the different permutations of combined interfaces. When new combos are needed it's as simple as adding them to the schema since the interfaces already have the resolvers mapped to them. I have a "base" interface (like you have here with employee) that every combination type implements, and then I have a json object that maps possible values of fields on the base interface to all the various combo types. It's not in production yet, but it actually works very well.

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jaxolotl profile image
Javier Valderrama (Jax)

Maybe I'm not getting it right, but it sounds to me as something you might achieve in a more GraphQL style by using Federation, Schema Composition and Apollo Gateway.

Here a link to the documentation and 2 excellent videos

I hope you find this useful.