DEV Community

Discussion on: Breaking up with my mouse (Mac edition)

miku86 profile image

my touchpad had some issues last year on Ubuntu,
so I had to use the keyboard more often.

My custom shortcuts:
Super + R to open terminal, doing all kind of stuff there, especially ohmyzsh is a great tool to navigate between folders.
Super + C to open Firefox
Super + T to open Thunderbird
Super + W to open Calculator
Super + LeftArrow to put window to the left half of the screen
Super + RightArrow to put window to the right half of the screen
Super + UpArrow to maximize window

In Firefox/Chrome:
Ctrl + Q to quit
Ctrl + W to close current tab
Ctrl + T to open new tab
Ctrl + Tabto go to next tab
Ctrl + Shift + Tab to go to last tab
Alt + Tab to jump between programs
Alt + ^ to jump between program instances

In VSCode:
Ctrl + Shift + ´ to open integrated terminal
Ctrl + Shift + 5 to split integrated terminal
Ctrl + B to show/hide sidebar
Ctrl + Shift + E to open explorer in the sidebar
Ctrl + Shift + G to open git in the sidebar