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Cover image for Part I: The Backend Using Java With Spring
Milan Wittpohl
Milan Wittpohl

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Part I: The Backend Using Java With Spring

In-Depth Tutorial: Building a Modern, Full-Stack Web App

In this series, I want to build a modern, extensible, yet simple set up that allows me to quickly build and deploy a web-frontend, -backend and database. While this project functions as a template for future projects, we still need some sort of goal. This is why we will create the simplest todo-app ever. Todo-apps are a good use case as it is simple but still covers most aspects of a modern application. We will have to:

  • connect a database to store todos
  • work with that database by reading, creating, updating and deleting entries
  • create a backend that exposes a REST-API for our frontend
  • secure our backend properly
  • build a frontend that works well with data from an API

There are several ways to build this modern web-application. I chose the following frameworks, each of which is covered in one tutorial:


  • Good knowledge of object-oriented programming and java
  • Good knowledge of javascript
  • Basic knowledge of the terminal
  • A mac - While all of this should also work on windows I did not spend any time to check for or provide solutions for windows

The Backend Using Java With Spring

In this part, we will initialise and develop our web backend from scratch in four subparts:

  • Choosing the framework
  • Initializing a Spring project
  • Programming the backend
  • Building the backend

Choosing the framework

There are hundreds of ways of building a web backend in various languages. There is no right or wrong, and we could use the same framework that we use for the backend for the frontend. For this series, I wanted to choose two separate frameworks that are easy to set up, modern and can be used for any project, even if this project might suddenly and rapidly grow. So we will use Java with Spring for the backend. I used Spring before and found it pretty straight forward.

Initializing a Spring project

Before we get started, let's get an understanding of what Spring actually is.

What is Spring?

Generally, Spring is a framework that enables you to decouple your program. It makes switching components or implementations easier by using dependency-injection. We will get more into that later. However, this is not the main reason why I prefer Spring for the backend. Spring offers a platform of various components ready to use that are helpful for web apps. For instance, spring security makes access-control pretty easy and robust, and spring data is useful when connecting databases.

To initialise a new spring project we can use the Spring Initializr. When we open the assistant we will have to choose:

  • The project
  • The language
  • The Spring boot version
  • Project metadata
  • Dependencies

Let's break them down.

The project

We have to choose between a Maven and a Gradle Project. Gradle and Maven are both tools to automate the build of your application. We tell it what dependencies we need for our project, such as Spring and it then bundles everything together (builds it). I don't know enough about either of them to give a recommendation and there is probably no right or wrong. As with Spring, we will go with Gradle, because I used it before and liked it.

The language

This is pretty self-explanatory. Let's select java.

Spring Boot

In this step, we select the Spring Boot version. We will use 2.2.4 as it is the current version. But what is spring boot and why do we need it?

Basically, we use spring to program our application and spring boot to take care of the overhead to run the application. Spring Boot looks at your application, makes checks, assumptions and provides standard configurations to make your app run. For instance, it has a server-functionalities embedded, so you don't have to worry about it. Gradle then takes all of that and builds a java application out of it, which brings us to project metadata.

Project Metadata

The first two fields describe who the software belongs to and what its name is. It is common to use the schema com.[name of organisation].[name of software]. In my case, it is com.milanwittpohl.playground-web-backend. More interesting, though are the options for packaging and java version. For the version, I would always go with the latest stable release, 13 at this time. Now let's look at packaging.


When building a java application, we can either build a .jar or .war file. Generally speaking, a .war file is a web application archive which runs inside an application server. A .jar file is a java archive file which can also run inside an application server but can also run on a user machine. We will select .jar.


This allows us to define further dependencies, such as spring security or spring data. We will leave it blank for now and add the necessary dependencies later manually when we will actually need them.

Let's generate the project.

Programming the backend

Now that we have initialised or project, lets actually program the backend. We will do that in five steps.

  1. Organising the project folder structure
  2. Understand what was generated
  3. Add a single endpoint to get feel for it
  4. Add a database connection to store data
  5. Add simple authentication to make sure that our endpoints are private

Organising the project folder structure

Throughout this entire series we will use the following folder structure:

  • Project folder
    • backend
    • frontend

Move the folder generated by the Spring intializr to the project folder and rename it to backend.

Understand what was generated

Let's open the project in our favourite Java IDE. For me that IntelliJ. If you don't have gradle already installed, make sure to do so. Also make sure you have the correct java version installed. If we run the project it will start and terminate again instantly as there is nothing to do.

Before we add anything lets just have a look at what exactly was generated and what it does.

Lets go through every folder and file in the root directory.


This folder works as the cache for gradle. As an example, whenever gradle resolves dependencies it uses this folder to cache them.


This folder is used by IntelliJ to store project settings and is not relevant at the moment.


This folder is created when we run the project and contains the compiled java classes that are loaded into the JVM in order to run the project.


To actually use gradle we use the gradle-wrapper which will provide us with the gradle-build we need. You can read more about it here.


This where our source code goes. We will look at the generated Java file "" in a second.


This file list all directories and files that should be excluded from git.


Here we can find four sections.


Plugins in gradle extend the capabilities of our project. As stated here plugins can

  • Extend gradle
  • Configure the project
  • Apply specific configurations

We have three plugins. Let's see what they do:

  • Spring Boot
  • Spring dependency management
    • This plugin allows us to define dependencies in the dependency section without providing version numbers
    • The plugin will then match the version of our spring boot version with the dependencies
  • Java
    • This plugin is used to, you guessed it, build java projects with gradle


While group and version should be self-explanatory the source compatibility defines which java version your source code is compatible with.


Here we tell gradle where to look for those dependencies we define under dependencies.


Now to the juicy part. Here we tell gradle what dependencies we need and tell it to get them for us. Each dependency contains two elements. The configuration and the dependency itself. While the dependency name is pretty clear lets have a look at the configuration. A configuration tells gradle what the dependency should be used for. The configurations we use are actually provided by the java plugin. In most cases we will use implementation as the dependency is used only for the implementation of our program.


This shell script is used to start the gradle-wrapper on macos or other unix-based systems.


This script is used to start the gradle-wrapper on windows.

Generated help text file by the spring Initalizr.


Here we can set settings for gradle.

Before we (finally) start programming let's have a look at our one Java-Source-File:

It contains 14 lines.

    package com.milanwittpohl.playgroundwebbackend;

    import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
    import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;

    public class PlaygroundWebBackendApplication {

        public static void main(String[] args) {
  , args);


While most of it seems pretty self-explanatory there is the one weird annotation @SpringBootApplication. Annotations likes this are used a lot in Spring and we will cover more later. Generally, in Java annotations can be used as markers that are interpreted. Spring looks through your files and applies the appropriate logic. More information on this can be found here. But lets understand what @SpringBootApplication does.

  • Firstly, using this annotation is the same as using these three annotations
    • @EnableAutoConfiguration
    • @ComponentScan
    • @Configuration
  • @EnableAutoConfiguration → looks at your application, makes checks, assumptions and provides standard configurations to make your app run
  • @ComponentScan → where to look for classes with spring annotations
  • @Configuration → This tells Spring that this class is used for configuration

Okay, this was a lot, as stated before, we will first create a simple endpoint to get the feel for it. After that we will connect a database and the finally secure our app.

Add a single endpoint

First, we have to tell Spring that we want to develop web functionalities. To do that we just change our dependencies in our build.gradle file.

    dependencies {
        implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web'
        testImplementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-test'

By adding the suffix -web we get additional libraries. After reimporting the dependencies we can start coding.

Endpoints are referred as controllers in Spring

Spring uses a MVC model, the Spring Web MVC Framework. The model is the data that our application serves up. The view could be a web page that we render using spring. The controller gets the data, by referencing the model, and provides the view with the necessary information. Since we don't use Spring to render a view, we simply don't have a view. All that we are left with is a model and a controller. Therefore our endpoint is the controller, as it provides a response to a web-request. To define a new controller we create

  • a new package called controller
  • a new java class called HelloWorldController

To define an endpoint we have to do three things.

1. Declare our new class as controller

First, we need to tell Spring that our new HelloWorldController is a controller. To do that we use a stereotype annotation. There are two annotation to define a controller. @Controller and @RestController. @Restcontroller is a specialisation of the @Controller annotation and simplifies the implementation a little for our setup, as we don't need to explicitly dd the @ResponseBody annotation to our endpoints.. It is explained in more detail here. So we just add the annotation to our class.

    public class HelloWorldController {}

2. Create the endpoint

To create the endpoint we simply define a method. This method could call a different class and return any kind of object. To keep it simple we just return a String.

    public String sayHelloWorld(){
        return "Hello World!";

3. Define the path and request type of the endpoint

Lastly, we need to tell Spring what path and request type should be mapped to this endpoint. To keep it simple we just define it as a get request under "/sayhello". We do that, you guessed it, using an annotation.

    public String sayHelloWorld(){
        return "Hello World!";

Your class should look like this now

    package com.milanwittpohl.playgroundwebbackend.controller;

    import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
    import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;

    public class HelloWorldController {

        public String sayHelloWorld(){
            return "Hello World!";


Lets hit run! After the application started we can just open our browser and type in localhost:8080/sayhello and we get our string returned.

Working with data

Every web-backend needs to store data at one point. In order to build a Todo app, we will define a simple todo-Object and then implement endpoints to read, write, update and delete entries. Before we start coding we need to tell Spring that we want to work with data.

For the sake of simplicity we will work with MongoDB, but the setup is similar for other databases. To add the functionality we simply add another dependency called org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-data-mongodb in the build.gradle file.

    implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-data-mongodb'

You also need to have a running mongoDB instance on your machine. Probably the simplest way to do that is to use a simple docker-compose file. If you dont know what docker is, don't worry. We will cover all this in part III. For now install docker and create a new file in your project root directory (not in the spring project) called docker-compose-dev.yml. Insert the following code and replace the placeholders.

    version: '3'
        image: mongo:4.2.2
          MONGO_INITDB_DATABASE: playground-web
          - 27017:27017

To start the database run the following command in the terminal from your project root folder. Leave the terminal window open.

    docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up

Okay, back to spring. We should also think about the way we structure our application.

  • We will create a data object that describes our ToDo-Object
  • We will create a repository that talks to the database
  • We will create a service that handles additional business logic
  • We will create a controller to accept request to read, create, update and delete entries

Creating the data object

We start by creating a package called data. Next we create a java class called ToDo. This class characterises a single todo. To keep it simple our todo-Object has just a unique id, a title and a status. This gives us the following class.


    public class ToDo {

        private String id;

        private String title;

        private Boolean completed;


While the properties title and completed will be set by the user, the id should only be touched by the framework to ensure its integrity. Since most objects have an id spring offers a convenient annotation for that called @id . The annotation marks the field as primary key and also auto generates a value for us. For everything to work properly we also need to set up a constructor and getter methods for all of our properties.



    public class ToDo {

        private String id;

        private String title;

        private Boolean completed;

        public ToDo(String title, Boolean completed){
            this.title = title;
            this.completed = completed;

        public String getId() {
            return id;

        public String getTitle() {
            return title;

        public Boolean getCompleted() {
            return completed;


Creating a repository

The repository interacts with our data base. This is where Spring really starts to shine. To interact with a mongo-database we simply create an interface that extends the MonogRepository. Let's call it ToDoRepository and put it into a new package called repository. When extending the MonogRepository we have to provide two parameters, as it uses generics. The first is the entity that we want to use, our ToDo class. The second parameter tells spring the type of the id attribute, in our case that is a string. That's it, wasn't that easy?

    package com.milanwittpohl.playgroundwebbackend.repository;


    public interface ToDoRepository extends MongoRepository<ToDo, String> {}

Creating the service

Create a new package called service. In that package we create a new java class called ToDoService. This is where our business logic is happening. Here and only here should we work with the data. Luckily, we don't have any business logic. However we need to define a few methods to read, create, update and delete entities. But it is super easy, trust me.

  • First, we tell Spring, that this class is a service by adding the @Service annotation to it. This adds further functionalities by spring.
  • Next we want to add our repository as a private property so that we can use it. This is where Springs constructor-injection comes into play. We simply add the annotation @Autowired and spring makes sure we have an instance on runtime.
  • Now we add methods to
    • get all todos
    • get a single todo by id
    • save a new or existing todo
    • delete a single todo by id
  • As we extended the MongoRepository our repository already has all the methods we need.
    package com.milanwittpohl.playgroundwebbackend.service;

    import com.milanwittpohl.playgroundwebbackend.exception.EntityNotFoundException;
    import com.milanwittpohl.playgroundwebbackend.repository.ToDoRepository;
    import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
    import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

    import java.util.List;

    public class ToDoService {

        private ToDoRepository toDoRepository;

        public List<ToDo> findAll(){
            return toDoRepository.findAll();

        public ToDo findById(String id){
            return toDoRepository.findById(id).orElseThrow(EntityNotFoundException::new);

        public ToDo save(ToDo toDo){

        public void deleteById(String id){


Everything should be pretty straight-forward except maybe the findById method. If we try to look up an entity by its id it can happen, that this there isn't an entity matching the given id. That is why our repository returns an Optional of a ToDo. An optional can either contain the entity or not. To make things simple we tell our program to throw a new exception if there is no match. This exception has to be created first in a new package called Exception.

    package com.milanwittpohl.playgroundwebbackend.exception;

    public class EntityNotFoundException extends RuntimeException {}

Creating the controller

We create a new controller in our controller package and call it ToDoController. This is also pretty straight forward, so I'll just present the final code and then explain a few new and different things compared to our HelloWorldController. You might ask yourself, why we not just return the entities here and instead use the service. While this might seem reasonable right now, it becomes quiete chaotic once we have multiple data objects and controllers.

    package com.milanwittpohl.playgroundwebbackend.controller;

    import com.milanwittpohl.playgroundwebbackend.service.ToDoService;
    import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
    import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*;

    import java.util.List;

    public class ToDoController {

        private ToDoService toDoService;

        public List<ToDo> findAll(){
            return toDoService.findAll();

        public ToDo findById(@PathVariable String id){
            return toDoService.findById(id);

        public ToDo create(@RequestBody ToDo toDo){

        public ToDo update(@RequestBody ToDo toDo){

        public void deleteById(@PathVariable String id){

  • First, we notice that the class has a second annotation called @RequestMapping. This way all endpoints are mapped at /api/todo.
  • To get a specific todo we want to pass the id via the url (e.g. localhost:8080/api/todo/5d6e53da5c88f13387cb8fa3). That's why we need to tell Spring that the url contains a variable, the id. This is done by using the curly brackets on the get mapping annotation and the @PathVariable annotation in the method header
  • To create or update an entity we need to transmit a json-body containing the information. We let Spring know by using @RequestBody.
    // For creation
        "title":"Finish it",
    // For updating
        "id": "5d6e54bd5c88f133b8209f34",
        "title": "Finish it",
        "completed": true

Run the application and you will see that you can get, create, update and delete todos.

    // Get all
    curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/api/todo

    // Create one
    curl -X POST \
      http://localhost:8080/api/todo/ \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -d '{
        "title":"Finish it",

    // Get one
    curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/api/todo/<ID of ToDo>

    // Update one
    curl -X PUT \
      http://localhost:8080/api/todo/<ID of ToDo> \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -d '{
        "id": "<ID of ToDo>",
        "title": "Finish it",
        "completed": true

    // Delete one
    curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8080/api/todo/<ID of ToDo>

Securing the Endpoints

Before we build our application and complete this tutorial we need to make sure that our endpoint is secure. We could implement a user management service, but for now we will just secure our endpoints and add one user for authentication.

We start by adding a new dependency to our gradle file called org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-security. Next we need to configure spring on how to secure our application. Configuration in spring can be done using classes and annotation. Let's create a new package called configuration and a new class within that package called WebSecurityConfiguration.

  • To let spring know that this class is used for configuration we add the @Configuration annotation to the class
  • As we want to use this configuration to define the access management, our class needs to extend the WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter class
    public class WebSecurityConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {}
  • To actually secure our endpoints we need to override the configure method of the WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter class
    protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
                 .failureHandler(new SimpleUrlAuthenticationFailureHandler());
  • Within the method we configure the HttpSecurity instance http for our application. We chain different commands together using the and-method. As there is a lot that is going on here, we will go through it line by line. Most of it is taken from this tutorial, which also provides a more in depth look.

Overall Protection

  • First we tell our app to secure (authorise) all request to /api/. Any http request needs to be authenticated via http-basic
  • An entry point used to send back a 401 Unauthorized response if a user tries to access a protected webpage
  • While we could send the credentials with every request, we want to have a login page where the user can login and then get a token. This way we can identify each user session more easily and we don't need to send our credentials every time
  • The parameter "loginProcessingUrl" tells the app the url where we send the credentials to. We will use this in our frontend.
  • Next we define two handlers, one if the login succeeds and one if the login fails

Login Page - Success Handler

  • Our success handler is a new class in our configuration package, that extends the SimpleUrlAuthenticationSuccessHandler.
  • Basically, we dont want our backend to return a 200 Okay response if the login was successful. The SimpleUrlAuthenticationSuccessHandler which we extend here, does that but also redirects the user to a certain URL. We don't want that, we just want to return a 200 response. To make our life easy, we simply copy the code of the SimpleUrlAuthenticationSuccessHandler and remove the logic for the redirect. Leaving us with this code:
    public class LoginSuccessHandler extends SimpleUrlAuthenticationSuccessHandler {

        private RequestCache requestCache = new HttpSessionRequestCache();

        public void onAuthenticationSuccess(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Authentication authentication) throws ServletException, IOException {

            SavedRequest savedRequest = requestCache.getRequest(request, response);

            if (savedRequest == null) {
            String targetUrlParam = getTargetUrlParameter();
            if (isAlwaysUseDefaultTargetUrl() || (targetUrlParam != null && StringUtils.hasText(request.getParameter(targetUrlParam)))) {
                requestCache.removeRequest(request, response);


        public void setRequestCache(RequestCache requestCache) {
            this.requestCache = requestCache;

  • We will need to inject this class our WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter. That is why we need the @Component annotation to tell spring, that we want to inject this class later.

Login Page - Failure Handler

  • In case the login fails we simply want to return a 401 Unauthorized response
  • Here we dont even have to implement our own code, we simply use the SimpleUrlAuthenticationFailureHandler class.

Exception Handling - RestAuthenticationEntryPoint

  • In case the user tries to access a page unauthorised, we simply want to return a 401 response.
  • Create a new class called and insert the following code.
public final class RestAuthenticationEntryPoint
        implements AuthenticationEntryPoint {

    public void commence(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, authException) throws IOException, ServletException {
        response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED, "Unauthorized");

Inject the Handler in the WebSecurityConfiguration

To use the handlers, we need to inject them into our WebSecurityConfiguration.

    public class WebSecurityConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {

        private LoginSuccessHandler loginSuccessHandler;

        protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {

Defining Users with Credentials

  • If we now run the application any request to /api/todo/ will fail as we are unauthorised. However, our first endpoint /sayHello is still accessible
  • Now we need to configure a simple user that is allowed to access /api/todo/. To do so we add two methods in our WebSecurityConfiguration
    public UserDetailsService userDetailsService() {
      String password = "password";
      String username = "user";
      InMemoryUserDetailsManager manager = new InMemoryUserDetailsManager();
      String encodedPassword = passwordEncoder().encode(password);
      return manager;

    public PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder() {
      return new BCryptPasswordEncoder();
  • Via the first method we tell spring to store user details within the application memory and create a new user
  • To encode the password (because we never want to store passwords in plain text) we define a password encoder in the second method
  • You may have noticed that we use a new annotation on both methods called @Bean. With that annotation we tell spring to create a java bean. Without the annotation our configuration could not access those methods.
  • Our configuration class should now look like this
    package com.milanwittpohl.playgroundwebbackend.configuration;

    import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
    import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
    import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;

    public class WebSecurityConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {

        private RestAuthenticationEntryPoint restAuthenticationEntryPoint;

        private LoginSuccessHandler loginSuccessHandler;

        protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
                        .failureHandler(new SimpleUrlAuthenticationFailureHandler());

        public UserDetailsService userDetailsService() {
            String username = "user";
            String password = "password";
            InMemoryUserDetailsManager manager = new InMemoryUserDetailsManager();
            String encodedPassword = passwordEncoder().encode(password);
            return manager;

        public PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder() {
            return new BCryptPasswordEncoder();
  • If we now run our application our todo endpoints are secure and can only be accessed using basic authentication.

Awesome, that's it. Now all we have to do is build the application.

Building the application

This is actually really easy. As you can recall we decided to use gradle for build automation. So all we need to do is open up a terminal, navigate to our project folder, and execute

    gradle build

This builds us a .jar file under ./build/libs/.

To run our application simply execute

    java -jar ./build/libs/playground-web-backend-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

Congratulations for completing this tutorial!!!

As this is my first tutorial series, I would really appreciate feedback. You can leave a comment, find me on twitter, instagram or send me an email.

This tutorial was originally published on my personal website.

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Top comments (5)

donut87 profile image
Christian Baer

Hey, thanks for the tutorial. So far the basics work, but I am struggling with the RestAuthenticationEntryPoint. Did you by any chance forget to insert the sample code? I could not find it after following the link you provided.

Thanks for the help.

milanwittpohl profile image
Milan Wittpohl

Hey, thank your for the feedback. You were right, I forgot to mention the implementation of the RestAuthenticationEntryPoint. I updated the post accordingly, look for "Exception Handling - RestAuthenticationEntryPoint". Im sorry about that.

donut87 profile image
Christian Baer

One other thing. The update method, is just another create. It is quite impossible to update ToDos, if there are only getters. Is that intended?

milanwittpohl profile image
Milan Wittpohl

Im not entirely sure what you mean here, could you tell me what method you are exactly referring to? If we want to create or update todos, we can use Springs save methods in the service/repository. It will check if the entry already exists and then either update the entry or create a new one.

donut87 profile image
Christian Baer

My fault. I overlooked, that there has to be the id in the request. I thought because the constructor holds no id and it is already part of the URL it wouldn't make sense to send it with the body.

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