DEV Community

Discussion on: Files every open-source project should have

miniscruff profile image

Changelogs are great and often overlooked, it can be daunting and scary to document all the projects changes especially when some of them are bug fixes you caused. It is common for teams to update the changelog from memory during the release process or from an issue tracker like Jira separate from the source code which has many draw backs. Or, my least favorite thing, is when projects use commit messages as changelogs. The reason this is not so great is that, commit messages are to help developers understand what has happened in the code. But the changelog is for users to understand how the changes may or may not impact them.

To help aid in all this I recommend some sort of tool; python has blurb-it, gitlab is a ruby script, or smaller simpler tools like the one I developed Changie.

Note: If you do decide to use commit messages, make sure you follow something along the lines of coventional commits.