DEV Community

Discussion on: Why don’t you give a presentation? If only they would let me do it…

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Jonas Winzen • Edited

This phenomena are not unique to conferences. It also applies to all kinds of underground party, where you commonly see the same line-ups.
Getting traction as a newcomer there is also very similar to conferences. You usually need to do some networking, getting in contact with organizers, finding someone who recommends you to the organizers/committee.

And in the beginning it's always the same: you get super tiny time slot at the most unpopular time.
And it makes sense: as an organizer you don't want to risk a long AND bad/boring presentation at a time where most people are attending. So you either avoid new/unknown speakers completely or you give them a chance to speak while keeping the level of potential damage as low as possible (nothing is worse than having a two hour talk during the prime time, that just sucks).

Don't give up! You will be recognized, eventually.