DEV Community

Discussion on: What computer do you use for software develpment?

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Randall • Edited

For work I use a MacBook pro provided by my employer. I'd have to boot it up to see the specifics, but it has an Intel i9 and 32gb RAM and is close to top-of-the-line.

For personal use, which I also use for hobby programming, I'm using a Windows 11 PC with:

CPU: Intel i7-11700k
Memory: 32 GB 3200 MHz
Graphics: NVIDIA 3080-Ti

I'm satisfied with both (though I'm having some weird issues on the personal one that seem related to Windows 11, hopefully those get ironed out). As a JavaScript developer both of these could probably be considered overkill. You can do JS development just fine on much lower spec hardware. The most important things in my opinion are an SSD and at least two monitors, preferably 1440p or 4k resolution. Then just throw in at least 8 GB RAM and you should get a pretty good development experience!