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Discussion on: Creating a simple queue messaging application over HTTP using NodeJs

miwels profile image

Thank you for the tutorial. I always used prebuilt queue systems like Amazon's SQS but I find it very interesting to understand how these systems work internally.

Can you explain this line?

const queryData = (url.parse(req.url, true).query) as unknown as Incoming;

url is not defined (I thought that maybe you wanted to use the 'URL' class but the parse method doesn't exist). Also I don't really understand the notation "as unknown as Incoming"


elasticrash profile image
Stefanos Kouroupis • Edited

Sorry I didn't include the imports to save space. url is the node url module

import * as url from 'url';

I do have the code in a GitHub repo but I am not entirely sure it's identical

As for the unknown...unknown is a type that can be assigned to something without type's like saying I don't care what is it but I I want to assume is is Incoming

miwels profile image

Many thanks, now is much more clear :)