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Mohan Majhi
Mohan Majhi

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Day 8: Fortifying Azure Governance - Empowering with Azure Policy and RBAC in #100DaysOfCloud

Yesterday's journey in the #100DaysOfCloud took us into the realm of Azure governance, where we explored the powerful tools of Azure Policy and Role-Based Access Control (RBAC). Let's delve into how these pillars fortify our cloud infrastructure and empower efficient resource management.

Understanding Azure Policy:

Azure Policy acts as the guardian of our Azure environment, enforcing compliance and governance by defining rules and applying them across resources. With Azure Policy, we can ensure that our cloud deployments align with organizational standards, regulatory requirements, and security best practices.

RBAC and Policy:

RBAC and Azure Policy complement each other seamlessly. While RBAC governs who can access Azure resources and what actions they can perform, Azure Policy ensures that the actions adhere to predefined rules and compliance standards. Together, they form a robust framework for maintaining control and security within Azure.

Benefits of Azure Policy:

The benefits of Azure Policy are manifold. By enforcing compliance and security controls, Azure Policy minimizes risks associated with misconfigurations and ensures consistent adherence to organizational standards. It promotes accountability and transparency, fostering a culture of governance within the cloud environment.

Implementing Azure Policy:

Implementing Azure Policy involves defining policy definitions, assigning them to specific scopes such as management groups, subscriptions, or resource groups, and monitoring compliance through built-in reports and dashboards. This structured approach empowers organizations to proactively manage and mitigate risks.

Use Cases: From Security to Cost Management:

The versatility of Azure Policy shines through various use cases. From enforcing encryption on storage accounts to restricting VM SKUs for cost optimization, Azure Policy addresses a wide array of requirements across security, compliance, and resource management domains.

Empowering Cloud Governance:

Azure Policy and RBAC lay the foundation for robust cloud governance practices. By establishing guardrails and controls, organizations can confidently embrace the cloud while maintaining security, compliance, and cost efficiency. It empowers teams to innovate and deploy with agility, knowing that governance is inherently integrated into their cloud environment.

Thanks @azdevindia and @beingwizard for the enlightening session and resources.


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