DEV Community

Discussion on: Zero Downtime Deployments: Best Practices for CI/CD on Heroku

molly profile image
Molly Struve (she/her)

We use Preboot and the release phase with DEV and they are absolutely AWESOME! The release phase has prevented breaking changes from going out multiple times. For those interested in our release phase script


notify () {
    bundle exec rails runner "ReleasePhaseNotifier.ping_slack"

trap notify ERR

# enable echo mode (-x) and exit on error (-e)
# -E ensures that ERR traps get inherited by functions, command substitutions, and subshell environments.
set -Eex

# abort release if deploy status equals "blocked"
[[ $DEPLOY_STATUS = "blocked" ]] && echo "Deploy blocked" && exit 1

# runs migration for Postgres, setups/updates Elasticsearch
# and boots the app to check there are no errors
STATEMENT_TIMEOUT=180000 bundle exec rails db:migrate
bundle exec rake search:setup
bundle exec rake data_updates:enqueue_data_update_worker
bundle exec rails runner "puts 'app load success'"