DEV Community

Discussion on: Everything you need to know about Web Performance (in 5 Minutes)

molotovbliss profile image

The best way to sum performance up is:

Don't confuse performance optimization (ie, your code in regards to CPU cycles/memory) with caching at any level; one should always come before the other.

If your starting optimizations & are fullstack, Start at system OS calls levels in most cases on typical *nix OS: systrace + ps/htop/sysdig/newrelic/etc. Even before the days of "serverless" paying attention in particularly to any and all forms of I/O!

Disk/Network/System configs/etc. should always be a starting point if full stack. After then proceed to services like a web server, DB, etc. & Make frontend a half way point. Your
frontend code & clients will thank you. If not a full stack developer, kindly ask some metrics and questions to your DevOps team.

Just some notes from an old sr greybeard 🧙🏻‍♂️ optimizing performance on monolithic type open source code (Stares at Magento & PHP intensely.😵‍💫) Reference: an old stack answer of mine:

filrakowski profile image
Filip Rakowski

I fully agree. It all starts with the infrastructure. This article is more targeted towards frontend developers, because this part is recently becoming main bottleneck of most applications, even tho it's not THAT hard to make it right :)