DEV Community

Discussion on: Oruga - UI components library without CSS framework dependency

momander profile image
Martin Omander

I think Oruga is exciting and will find an audience. But I will probably stick with Buefy. Why?

I am a programmer who understands Javascript better than CSS. I picked Buefy because it gave my web app a good look with little effort required. That lets me focus on building new features for my users, responding to user emails, fixing bugs, etc. If I had unlimited time, I would learn more CSS and pick up Oruga.

Best of luck with the new project, and please don't forget your Buefy audience! We really appreciate your hard work!

wesdevpro profile image
Wesley Ford

I agree. However I would say there is room for frameworks that support an easy work load, and there is room for frameworks, like Oruga, that support total customization. However, I hope Buefy does get a bump up to Vue3, and nuxt3, a lot of my projects use it and the convenience of Buefy can not be beat. I would like to propose though a compromise. Buefy could potentially work on top of Oruga. This would lighten the load on maintaining both projects. However, this could increase the over head and bundle size.