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Discussion on: ๐Ÿ’ก Vue Typescript State Management : We can do better than โ€œisLoadingโ€ in 2022

monisnapjulien profile image
Julien • Edited

Thank you for the comment ๐Ÿ™

I also really like this approach, in Flutter I saw something similar with Riverpod AsyncValue which I found very intuitive and readable ๐Ÿ˜‰

justintime4tea profile image
Justin Gross • Edited

That's a great example! I work in Flutter and Dart as well and like the approach from Riverpod.

Other examples, albeit on the more extreme end of the gradient, are most things in Rust. There is no null ; you have Option of Some generic over T or None, and Result with either an Ok generic over T or Err (Data baring enums). In rust they go so far as to make it a compiler error to not address the result of an async op or handle all "control flow" operation "cases". You can "cheat" with handling funcs which return Result and "ignore" the result by saying "let _ = await someOpWhichReturnsOptionOrResult" and you can add a "default case" to a "switch like op" but you must consciously make those decisions; it's not by happenstance or by ignorance. The compiler also gives you the answer 99% of the time (exaggerating but it's often the case the compiler tells you exactly what to do); The errors in Rust are the most helpful messages I've ever been graced with by a conpiler. I am in love with Rust if you can't tell lol.