DEV Community

Discussion on: Why I Stopped Using Redux

Sloan, the sloth mascot
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yashiroquy profile image
UMR • Edited

I set up a simple project with Django and vanilla JavaScript few weeks before quitting the job, and a newly hired senior developer decided to re-setup the project. Even though I quit to focus on backend and devops, I still decided to read his code to see if I could learn anything. He set up the frontend with ReactJS, Redux, saga. Nonetheless, he used class component instead of hook. His code looks like a mess to me, and I am glad I quit being full-stack dev

g_abud profile image
Gabriel Abud

I think this is fine, kind of not the point of the article but I agree. Knowing when to use technologies and when they are overkill is a big part of being a good software engineer. If you are making static websites and don't need fancy Javascript capabilities, React might be overkill.