Many numbers to celebrate today... I've turned in my third project in my first iOS course, meaning I'm halfway through. This weekend I hit a threshold where I went from floundering at every step to coding with some measure of confidence. I'll say more in a later post.
Mostly what I want to celebrate right now is...
I've passed 100 followers on DEV!
I'm amazed by that and very curious who all is following me. It looks like many of you are new to DEV and haven't posted much yet. If you're like me, you accepted DEV's recommendation for a bunch of people to follow, just to get yourself started.
However it happened, I'm in your feed, so please allow me to introduce myself. Then I have some questions for you.
I'm learning in public
I'm not completely new to programming; I've learned many languages and systems over the years, creating personal projects for fun and for work. I've been a full-time children's singer-songwriter most of my adult life. Currently I'm teaching college algebra at Oklahoma State University.
I started the iOS Developer nanodegree at Udacity in May, and I'm also working through 100 Days of SwiftUI, with an eye toward starting a new career.
Here on DEV I'm "learning in public." I've shared a handful of posts about my journey so far, and I'm keeping notes as I go. I write about iOS and Swift, but also learning in general, in a way I hope will be helpful to anyone, regardless of your coding language, learning platform, expertise, or personal goals.
Questions for you
As I plan my next few posts, I'd love to know more about who might be reading them:
Why did you sign up for DEV?
What are you working on?
What are your goals?
What are you struggling with?
What questions or concerns do you have right now?
It would make my day if you'd pick just one question and post a quick response.
And if it's your first time posting, congratulations! Welcome to DEV!
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