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Discussion on: Command Line Cheat Sheet with Text Editors (Vim , Nano)

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair • Edited

ls ./documents has an unnecessary ./ in it - this is needed when you're running a command because the current directory isn't generally in your $PATH environment variable, but when it's an argument it's not required. I think having it in an example like this adds a step that anyone who isn't already familiar with ls is likely to stumble over.

cd.. won't work because there's no such command (unless you alias it). All commands are separated from their arguments with a space. This is in contrast to DOS/Windows where this would work fine.

cd D: isn't a *nix thing, it's a DOS/Windows thing and I'm not certain it does what you think it does anyway. To change drive on a Windows command prompt you'd typically type d: on its own.

Less isn't an editor (though you can launch your configured editor from less by pressing v.

zinox9 profile image
Arjun Porwal

Thanks For All the Corrections 😊 , will add the edits accordingly 🤘