DEV Community

Discussion on: My Mac Dev Tools

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

Everyone has their own preferences - for instance I don't see the point of things like gh clone repo path/to/repo over git clone repo path/to/repo except that the former is presumably restricted to only working with Github. But if you work exclusively with GH or Microsoft systems then I suppose it's a little less typing.

However, I will engage thrusters on my standard response to this:

I love using Oh My ZSH instead of the default Bash.

bash hasn't been the default on MacOS for quite a while. It probably still would be, but they don't like touching copyleft software, which is why the version of bash was so old (it was the last non-GPL version available) and why people on other OS had access to a decade-newer version. The comparison of a plugin manager with a shell also gets me. Compare bash to zsh if you like, but it's easy to, ahem, bash on bash when you're comparing a framework instead. Not to mention that 90% of the things people evangelise are available in bash already.

Personally, I do use zsh, but that's pretty much because I have to use a Mac for work so I've standardised across all my machines. There's nothing I do day-to-day that I can't do in bash though. All my scripts that don't use sh use bash for example, because it's more likely to be installed and therefore the script is more portable.

And the autocomplete in zsh is frustrating sometimes. Press o-tab and expect it to autocomplete things starting with "o" and half the time it shows me node_modules and the cursor sits looking at me like a happy puppy while I facepalm.

bengreenberg profile image
Ben Greenberg

Thanks for your thorough response, and appreciate your standard "thrusters" which were triggered by my terminal preferences! Just a quick clarification, I never intended to "bash" any technology, so I think you may have fired your thrusters a bit prematurely here, just stating my preference. :)