DEV Community

Discussion on: I'm the founder & CEO of Codeship, ask me anything!

moritzplassnig profile image
Moritz Plassnig

I went to school in Austria, did a lot of programming until I was 19. Then I thought I should see "the other side" and studied business. Stopped with that I think when I was around 20/21 and started working on a project called "STARTeurope" where we tried to bring devs, designers + biz people together in Austria to work on projects (similar to Startup Weekend and other hackathons). That's where I met one of my co-founders, and we started talking about Codeship.

Since I wanted to do something more technical again, Codeship was perfect. That being said, being honest here, in the beginning, a lot of my interest also came from me hoping to get back to programming more again which never really happened due to my current role at Codeship.

Looking back, I've to admit that it's probably better that I'm doing what I'm doing and that I'm not in a hands-on technical position (there are simply far better people at Codeship for that).

annarankin profile image
Anna Rankin

That's awesome! It's great that you've gotten to see multiple sides of the business.

ashuydv profile image

Hey, how can I use codeship, I know it's weird but I want to explain it to my team in more simplest way possible, what is it, is it something like GoDaddy or something like GitHub?