DEV Community

Discussion on: Remote Jobs: How-to, and the Downsides

mortoray profile image
edA‑qa mort‑ora‑y

A lot of people are not able to work remotely. It's a different discipline than working in the office. Your motivation has be primarily internal.

You face physical isolation for long periods of time. You miss out on lunchtime with colleagues. You miss out on social events. The entire human aspect of a job basically disappears. For a lot of jobs they become unbearable when that happens. For a lot of people that kills their motivation.

Time management is a separate, compounding problem. You need to be able to actually put in some working time. If you're a productive person you'll find that you can get more done in less time, compared to an office. However, you still have to manage expectations of being available for colleagues.

I've worked remotely for about 8 years now and I'd have a hard time going back to office work. I'd be okay with going into the office once a week, but more than that would impact my productivity and lifestyle too much.

Finding remote jobs can be challenging. Beyond just proving you can do the job, you have to prove you can work remotely with that company. I find it's an additional hurdle to having an in-office job. Some positions are better suited to remote work -- alas, these aren't usually programming positions.

callgage profile image
Gage Henderson

Really interesting insights. I feel pretty confident in my ability to self-motivate & manage my time, but I know I just can't predict how I'm going to handle it if I work a remote job. Seems like I may just need to dive in the deep-end to see if I can swim.