DEV Community

Discussion on: I'm a "Lifelong Beginner". Are you?

mrshawnhum profile image
Shawn Humphreys

Most people think when you leave high school, college, etc. That is when your learning is complete.

But then, there is a small amount of individuals like us developers that understand that you never stop learning.

nitya profile image
Nitya Narasimhan, Ph.D • Edited

As I encounter more diverse people (and as I get older) I have begun to realize that the most valuable folks are those who have not just understood this but actively gone out to share those insights. During the COVID chaos, I have been remarkably impressed by the inventiveness and resilience of teachers for instance. (ex: check out EdCamp) - they have long known that they need to constantly be reinventing themselves to stay relevant in the digital education space.

So I agree that developers value continuous learning
And I would also say there are people in every walk of life who realize that you never stop learning.

I have however realized that there is PRIVILEGE in being able to learn - I can only do this because I am at a point where i have resources for childcare, a spouse and home to provide some financial security etc. There are many who want to learn but need to work 2-3 jobs to make ends meet

One of my goals is to use essays, events and community interactions to pay that forward.
To make everyone feel learning is in their grasp and there are people to help them ♥️

mrshawnhum profile image
Shawn Humphreys

Absolutely spot on!