The AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) provides a wide range of commands for interacting with various AWS services and managing your AWS resources. Here's a list of some commonly used AWS CLI commands, grouped by their respective services or functions.
AWS CLI installation based on Operating System
AWS CLI Core Commands:
- aws configure: Set up your AWS CLI configuration, including access key, secret key, default region, and output format.
- aws help: Get help and information on AWS CLI commands and their usage.
Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud):
- aws ec2 describe-instances: List EC2 instances in your AWS account.
- aws ec2 run-instances: Launch a new EC2 instance.
- aws ec2 terminate-instances: Terminate one or more EC2 instances.
Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service):
- aws s3 ls: List S3 buckets or objects.
- aws s3 cp: Copy files and directories to/from S3.
- aws s3 rm: Delete objects from S3.
Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service):
- aws rds describe-db-instances: List RDS database instances.
- aws rds create-db-instance: Create a new RDS database instance.
- aws rds delete-db-instance: Delete an RDS database instance.
Amazon IAM (Identity and Access Management):
- aws iam create-user: Create a new IAM user.
- aws iam list-users: List IAM users.
- aws iam attach-user-policy: Attach a managed policy to an IAM user.
AWS Lambda:
- aws lambda create-function: Create a new Lambda function.
- aws lambda list-functions: List Lambda functions in your AWS account.
- aws lambda invoke: Invoke a Lambda function.
Amazon CloudWatch:
- aws cloudwatch put-metric-data: Publish custom metrics to CloudWatch.
- aws cloudwatch describe-alarms: List CloudWatch alarms.
- aws cloudwatch get-metric-statistics: Get statistics for CloudWatch metrics.
Amazon ECS (Elastic Container Service):
- aws ecs create-cluster: Create a new ECS cluster.
- aws ecs list-container-instances: List container instances in an ECS cluster.
- aws ecs run-task: Run a new task on an ECS cluster.
Amazon SQS (Simple Queue Service):
- aws sqs create-queue: Create a new SQS queue.
- aws sqs list-queues: List SQS queues in your AWS account.
- aws sqs send-message: Send a message to an SQS queue.
Amazon SNS (Simple Notification Service):
- aws sns create-topic: Create a new SNS topic.
- aws sns list-topics: List SNS topics.
- aws sns publish: Publish a message to an SNS topic.
Amazon DynamoDB:
- aws dynamodb create-table: Create a new DynamoDB table.
- aws dynamodb list-tables: List DynamoDB tables.
- aws dynamodb put-item: Put an item into a DynamoDB table.
Note: To get specific information about a particular command, you can use the 'aws help' command followed by the command you want to learn more about. For example:
aws help ec2 describe-instances
Certainly! Here are more AWS CLI commands for various AWS services:
Amazon VPC (Virtual Private Cloud):
- aws ec2 create-vpc: Create a new Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).
- aws ec2 describe-vpcs: List VPCs in your AWS account.
- aws ec2 create-subnet: Create a new subnet within a VPC.
Amazon SNS (Simple Notification Service):
- aws sns list-subscriptions: List subscriptions to an SNS topic.
- aws sns create-subscription: Subscribe an endpoint (e.g., an email address or an SQS queue) to an SNS topic.
AWS CloudFormation:
- aws cloudformation create-stack: Create a new CloudFormation stack.
- aws cloudformation list-stacks: List CloudFormation stacks in your AWS account.
- aws cloudformation describe-stack-events: Describe events for a specific CloudFormation stack.
AWS CloudFront (Content Delivery Network):
- aws cloudfront create-distribution: Create a new CloudFront distribution.
- aws cloudfront list-distributions: List CloudFront distributions.
- aws cloudfront create-invalidation: Create an invalidation for a CloudFront distribution.
AWS Elastic Beanstalk:
- aws elasticbeanstalk create-application: Create a new Elastic Beanstalk application.
- aws elasticbeanstalk create-environment: Create a new Elastic Beanstalk environment.
- aws elasticbeanstalk describe-environments: Describe Elastic Beanstalk environments.
AWS Glue (Data ETL Service):
- aws glue create-database: Create a new AWS Glue database.
- aws glue create-crawler: Create an AWS Glue crawler to discover and catalog data.
- aws glue start-job-run: Start an AWS Glue job run.
AWS Redshift (Data Warehouse):
- aws redshift create-cluster: Create a new Amazon Redshift cluster.
- aws redshift describe-clusters: Describe Amazon Redshift clusters.
- aws redshift modify-cluster: Modify the properties of an Amazon Redshift cluster.
AWS Kinesis (Real-time Data Streaming):
- aws kinesis create-stream: Create a new Kinesis data stream.
- aws kinesis list-streams: List Kinesis data streams.
- aws kinesis put-record: Put a single data record into a Kinesis data stream.
AWS Step Functions (Serverless Orchestration):
- aws stepfunctions create-state-machine: Create a new Step Functions state machine.
- aws stepfunctions list-state-machines: List Step Functions state machines.
- aws stepfunctions start-execution: Start the execution of a Step Functions state machine.
AWS Secrets Manager:
- aws secretsmanager create-secret: Create a new secret in AWS Secrets Manager.
- aws secretsmanager list-secrets: List secrets stored in AWS Secrets Manager.
- aws secretsmanager get-secret-value: Retrieve the value of a secret.
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