DEV Community

Discussion on: Generating Image Thumbnails in the Browser using JavaScript and FilePond

msoutopico profile image
Manuel Souto Pico

Thanks for this tutorial. Not really interested in uploading images, but it's useful for uploading files in general. This all works fine on my page, my problem is that I don't see where the uploaded files are stored in the server. Can you help with that?

rikschennink profile image
Rik Schennink

The FilePond server property defines where the files are uploaded.

If you setup a server end point at the same location it’ll push the data to that server end point as multiparty FormData

msoutopico profile image
Manuel Souto Pico

THanks Rik. Yes, I'm using setOptions({ server: './api' }) and the <file-pond/> component has attribute server="./api". I undertand that points to the "api" folder at the root of my vue application. That should be fine, so the error must be somewhere else. I'll keep investigating, thanks!