DEV Community

Discussion on: Music or No music while coding?

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Albir Tarsha

I could see using music to set a mood if I were creating something artful. However during problem solving or any deep thinking task I believe that music interferes with maximum productivity.

I quit music during studying in college. I was taking a test and I noticed that while I was testing I would hear the music that I studied with. My conclusion was that my brain was taking in all of the sensory information and storing it together even though there was no logical reason to associate my studies with what I was listening to.

The sense of hearing wires deep into the brain. So I don't think you can truly block out sounds even though it may seem like you can. The information in the music is not directly streaming to /dev/null . You are processing it. Otherwise there would be no difference in listening to music while coding, and in that case you would not feel a desire to listen to music while coding. I am quite certain that coding in silence is most effective and efficient.