Initially, I would like to mention even though week one was a bit challenging, however, was a great experience. But how?
Maybe you're wondering how in the first week, we had a great experience I got you. We started our week by playing a strategic game as a team; to replace an egg from the ground to the top of the bottle using a ring and thread, but unfortunately, none of the team did it. However, we learned that a good strategy is a key to success. On the following day, they gave us codewars to solve, despite that were not easy for me, helped me to realize that I have to improve in problem-solving. On the same day, we learned how to write user stories. We then had a session on intercultural communication that emphasized how we should be communicating with diverse people by knowing their beliefs and values in advance.
Afterward, we discussed what someone should do before, during, and after the call. In this session, I was introduced to mirro software, which is very helpful for presentation.
Although we had a great experience, we also had challenges. It was very critical for us to submit on time but taught us to be punctual. For example, we were supposed to do a presentation after 1 hour, but we used 15 plus minutes for preparation.
In conclusion, I could not end without saying how our first-week Friday was stunning. On this day, we started by pitching the project, introducing ourselves, and then we had a party along with a critical thinking game we played against former employees. Unfortunately, they beat us.
In short, I would say first week was awesome, looking forward to the second.
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