DEV Community

Discussion on: Supposed to be a senior developer but feeling like fake and junior

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Karthik Murali

Bumped into this when I was personally feeling the very same and searching on how to overcome the overwhelming feeling as a dev. I see your situation and it’s like seeing myself in a mirror. The team with everyone else better then you, the intermittent genius who was a walking Stackoverflow, the fuzzy nature of all the Tech surrounding us, not to mention the plethora of thing in a tech to-do in order to keep up with the masses...

I fall into a pool of anxiety almost a few times every week for longer than I can remember. Having worked at my company for the past three years, I realised that I probably rank last in the group but I guess that’s just it. It’s the bottom so I see it as an one way system to growth. I try to acknowledge that and tell myself that it’s okay to be so. As long as we like being a dev, you can learn a topic 30 min a day or a course over a week and scale up. I also have a hard time remembering them so I re-take some courses and the second time around, it feels better than the first time.

It feels like a big race and we are among the last. But I heard this somewhere to consider it as not a race but our situation more like that of a planet that goes around it’s star. Different planet takes different amount of time to revolve around their star.

A mild bunch of bs but I hope it’s sets the context. Good luck to you fellow dev :-)