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Open Source Software

Open source software are often better than closed sourced software. For example, anyone would be able to pick up open source code that maliciously violate user's privacy.

Brave Browser

Brave Browser is an open source Chromium browser that emphasizes on its security. It mainly blocks trackers, upgrades connection to https, and blocks fingerprinting from third party advertisers. The other prominent feature it has is allowing users to earn cryptocurrency tokens called BAT for viewing brave ads. Essentially, Brave company is giving the users a portion of their ad revenue from trusted third party advertisers.

Brave source code is publicly available on GitHub and contributors can submit pull requests.
This is the most recently accepted pull request for brave browser. 4 people needed to approve the change in package.json. This pull request started in June 22, but it is still ongoing as more people are needed to approve the change.


YgoPro is an open source Yu-gi-oh Simulator.

This is their pull request tracker, and here's the latest change that is approved.

Unlike Brave browser, the community for this project is much smaller. There is only 1 person needed to approve this change before merging the temporary branch with master branch.

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