DEV Community

Discussion on: 10 lessons learned while building my programming career;

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Mike Ekkel • Edited

This is a wonderful post! Thank you for sharing the lesson's you've learned so far 😄

My highlights are:

5 Track & appreciate your

This is something I've struggled with a lot while I got into development. I still don't really track progress, but looking back at what I've achieved it's remarkable to see how far I've come!

7 Take a break

I cannot stress how important this piece of advice is! Taking breaks ensures you are in a mental state that allows you to write code well. Think of it like this: you wouldn't be lifting weights for 8 hours straight, so why are we trying to force our brains to think about code for 8 hours straight without breaks in between.

cyruscodes profile image

Thank you for the response. I am glad to share my experience.