DEV Community

Discussion on: The Problem with Interfaces, and how Go Fixed it

n3llyb0y profile image
Neil Chambers

That's a pretty broad statement. The best you can argue is a tradeoff for the language features that are right for the product/team/roadmap. I've work for years with static and dynamic languages. They both have strengths and weaknesses. That Go is duck typed is just not a selling point. Many languages do it. I would avoid comparing Go with statically typed, OOP, languages to be honest (unless you fancy a flame war). Go doesn't solve interface problems, it just has a different idea of what an interface is, and it's not that novel. Go should be considered when runtime performance is critical and a simple and effective concurrency paradigm is needed. Go is many things, but it will always have safety issues (maybe that is why the error handling seems to be, err, well).

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dean profile image

Go is statically typed. If you were to pass a Dog struct (which can't Quack()) into a function that takes a Duck interface, you will hit a compile-time error.

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danielw profile image
Daniel Waller (he/him)

If I understand correctly Go isn't even strictly duck typed.

The type inference doesn't happen at runtime but at compile time, giving very clear compiler errors.
So I don't really see how this kind of typing can lead to runtime errors in Go's case

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dean profile image

The only time it would result in a runtime error is when casting, as per every staticly typed language.

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danielw profile image
Daniel Waller (he/him)

That's what I thought! So I really don't get all this duck typing trash talk some people are throwing around in regards to Go