{ Abhilash Kumar Bhattaram : Follow on LinkedIn }
ocidtab is a utility I had created to ensure OCI scripting is
made easier , I have a complete description of the usage and the need of OCIDTAB for OCI CLI in this article below
Below is a brief readme section of the ocidtab
ocidenv is a script that will generate a ocidtab file , the generated ocidtab file can be used to source the required OCID Environment Variables
ocidenv prerequisites
The following prerequisites are needed to use the ocidenv
OCI Config Path
OCI Profile
OCI Compartment
jq to be installed in Linux
$ sudo yum install jq
The OCI User in the profile will need to have the required IAM Policies for OCI Services to generate the OCID
ocidenv syntax to generate ocidtab
$ . ./ocidenv.sh <config_file_path> <oci_profile> <compartment_name> <vcn_name> && env | grep OCID
ocidtab usage
The ocidenv.sh output will generate ocidtab files
for e.g. $ . ./ocidenv.sh ~/.oci/config DEV-PROFLE1 DEV-COMP1 DEV-VCN1 && env | grep OCID
This command will generate a ocidtab file ~/.DEV-PROFLE1-ocidtab which can be sourced as Environment Variable files or shell scripts
$ . .DEV-PROFLE1-ocidtab
$ oci iam region-subscription list --all --output table --profile $CONFIG_PROFILE
$ oci iam availability-domain list -c $TENANCY_OCID --output table --profile $CONFIG_PROFILE
In the above ehe $CONFIG_PROFILE and $TENANCY_OCID variable will be sourced from the ocidtab file .DEV-PROFLE1-ocidtab
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