When I'm working with web development, VSCode is my first choice. Because it is lightweight, easy to use, has flexible UI/UX and most significantly, lots of extensions are available here. I bet, these extensions really help you to code and save your bunch of time. Some of these extensions are:
- Laravel Blade Snippets. Extension ID: onecentlin.laravel-blade
Most useful extension. Helps you to write syntax. It has autocomplete option. Such as, if you just write 'if', it completes your if else block..
@if ()
- Laravel goto view. Extension ID: codingyu.laravel-goto-view
It helps you to navigate the file.
return view('<u>admin.cmessage.index</u>',['cm'=>$cm]);
In above code, if you perform cntr+click in windows or cmd+click in mac, it will open index.blade.php file.
- laravel-goto-components. Extension ID: naoray.laravel-goto-components
Same as goto view. But it is for component file. It's pretty much useful when you work will Livewire
- Laravel Artisan. Extension ID: ryannaddy.laravel-artisan
This extension help you to run artisan command within visual studio
- Laravel Blade formatter. Extension ID: shufo.vscode-blade-formatter
One of the significant extension. Work with indent of blade syntax
- HTML CSS Support. Extension ID: ecmel.vscode-html-css
Help you to write html and css snippets.
Happy coding!!
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