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How to Integrate SonarQube With Razorops CICD

In today's fast-paced software development world, it's more important than ever to ensure the quality of the code you're delivering. That's where SonarQube comes in – it's a popular open-source platform that provides continuous code inspection to catch bugs, vulnerabilities, and technical debt early on in the development process. And when it comes to continuous integration and deployment, Razorops is a powerful tool that automates the process, making it easy to build, test, and deploy your code. In this blog, we'll take a look at how you can integrate SonarQube with Razorops to make sure your code is always top-notch.

Step 1: Set up a SonarQube server

Before we can integrate SonarQube with Razorops, we need to set up a SonarQube server. You can do this by downloading the SonarQube server and Sonar-Scanner from the official website and following the installation instructions. Once you have the server up and running, you can access it by navigating to http://localhost:9000 in your browser.

Step 2: Create a new project in Sonarqube

Follow the below steps to create a new project in Sonarqube:

1.First run your Sonarqube server on your local machine and login to the Sonarqube instance.

2.Click on the "Add project" button in the top-right corner of the page and select "Manually".

3.Enter a unique key for your project in "Project Key" field.The key should consist of alphanumeric characters and should not contain spaces or special characters.And enter a name for your project in "Display name" field.And,click on "setup" button.

4.Then,you redirected to "analyze project page".In this page your need to generate token or use your existing token.And click on "Continue" button.

5.To run your sonarqube analysis you need to select your project build language and then it will display execution commands you need to copy that commands and paste it in ".razorops.yaml" file
in your project repository.

Step 3: Build the job in Razorops

Follow the below steps to build the job in razorops:

1.First login to your Razorops dashboard through github and go to the workflows page and create a new pipeline.

2.And next you need to select the source code from your Github repository and click on the "build now" button to run the job.

Upon successful completion of the build process, the code will be cloned from the repository and tested in SonarQube. The Sonarqube dashboard will display various metrics such as quality gates, code bugs, code smells, vulnerabilities, and security hotspots.
Razorops team can help with SonarQube Integration With Razorops CICD.

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