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Guess Game in Python

Hey Guys, So are you ready for your first python project? Then let’s get on with it, I would recommend you to code along. This game will help you clear out your basics such as Input-Output, Random module, Loops, if… else.

First import random module.

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Next we will use randint function from Random module for generating a random number between 1 to 100.

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Now, Let’s take input from user. Input is in the form of string so we will convert it to int using int().

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Let’s use while loop to compare the value of user and computer again and again until they are equal. Do not forget to add colon(:) at the end. You can also use for loop and give limited number of chances to User.

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Now, we will use if … elif programming constructs to match the numbers. We will use 4 statement to check the number is high, a little high, low or a little low. Take a difference of 10(i.e. if difference is greater then 10 then print go high or go low else print go little high or go little low ) to make game a little easy. Don’t forget to take input again if value doesn’t match.

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Great work! You have created your first project.You can get the entire code here. You can even add more to it such as add a for loop instead of while loop for 10 inputs. Give a Scorecard at the end of game. If User Guesses the Number in first attempt then he gets 100 points, if in 3rd attempt he/she gets 70 points, if in 6th he/she gets 40 points and so on. . .

You can create the same project in different languages too. Do try it out if you are interested in other languages.

Note: Do not forget colon (:) after for, while or if else statement. Take care of indentation too.

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