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Discussion on: The easier way to publish your Blazor WebAssembly app for GitHub Pages

nakigoe profile image

dotnet publish -c:Release -p:GHPages=true
I receive the following error message:
c:...\6.0.1\Sdk\wasmapp.native.targets(425,5) error MSB3073: The command "emcc --version" exited with code -1073741515

The error occurs only when «-c:Release» option is enabled to .NET Intermediate Language (IL) linking also run to reduce the size of the published app.

From other messages it looks like it's emsdk installs unsupported Python version for Windows 7
My system:
Windows 7 64bit (SP1)
.NET 6.0.101
standard blazorwasm app, created by running in the command line:
dotnet new blazorwasm -o

I am trying to create a website on razor components out my AMP-HTML & CSS website with tons of CSS animations and graphics — a perfect task for WebAssembly. And to upgrade my site navigation.

I receive the following error message when running build on GitHub pages:
Run sed -i 's///g' release/wwwroot/index.html
sed: can't read release/wwwroot/index.html: No such file or directory

What has gone wrong with the project and the .yml file?

So it was faster to host on another provider
You can take a look at my live Blazor WebAssembly app here: